December 09, 2024
Building your own computer from scratch can seem like a daunting task, but it's quite easy once you start. Think of it like putting together a lego set, except these legos can cost hundreds of dollars per piece. Once these legos are put together, you'll have a fully functioning PC that's designed to your needs. Whether it's for gaming,. creative work, or just for the fun of building it.
The hardest part for me was getting the courage to order the parts and commit to the build. With so many parts in todays market, it can feel overwhelming. This is where resources, like Linus Tech Tips, are so valuable. These YouTubers guide you through the entire process, from picking out parts to assembling them step by step. With their help, even the most nerve wracking steps seem so easy.
One of those steps is wire management. Most people will just start connecting cables and skip this entirely, but taking the time to manage your cables properly makes a big difference. It's not just about airflow and performance. It's about the satisfaction of opening up your case and seeing a clean, organized layout. There's something so appealing about a build where everything looks neat. Even maintenance, like cleaning, will be a lot easier when everything is neatly tucked away.
My new build was somewhat of a budget mid-range PC. I needed something that could handle my work load and the average gaming night with friends. The specs are as followed;